Welcome to
The Calm Cultivation Podcast
with Todd Ausherman – entrepreneur and student of mindfulness techniques
About Cultivation Podcast
Welcome to the Calm Cultivation podcast with Todd Ausherman, an experienced entrepreneur currently building Notaroo, a technology and service solution for the mortgage industry. Join Todd as he explores entry-level mindfulness techniques, beginner’s yoga, meditation and a multitude of other simple-to-apply methods that can help bring calm and peace to the chaotic life of business.
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision;
Look to this day:
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence.
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendour of achievement
Are but experiences of time.
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision;
And today well-lived, makes
Yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day;
Such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!
– Kalidasa
Find Your Calm in the Chaos:
Introduction (Episode 1)
Breathing Techniques for High Stress Professionals
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Meet The Host
Todd Ausherman
Welcome to the Calm Cultivation podcast with Todd Ausherman, an experienced entrepreneur currently building Notaroo, a lending software solution for the mortgage industry. Join Todd as he explores entry-level mindfulness techniques, beginer’s yoga, meditation and a multitude of other simple-to-apply methods that can help bring calm and peace to the chaotic life of business.